Star Wars Girl Unleashed

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Birthday Joys and Woe

So this birthday went much smoother than last year's. Work went very well today I'm happy to say. Almost too well. Maybe they're planning to kill me the next time I sub and they were trying to throw me off my guard. But several of the high school girls said they loved my outfit today and since I didn't let them do anything special and they knew I wasn't going to let them I'm inclined to believe they really meant it. I had a newly purchased skirt (this weekend) on that I just love and it was on sale so it's really a great thing. I also received a coupon for being a member of Border's Rewards to Waldenbooks that is 15% of any item. Guess where I will be tomorrow. My only low point, and this really is low, would have to be this. I get home, feeling very spunky and ready to conquer the world, went out to get the mail and then tried to go back inside. To my horror I found that I had locked myself out of the house! Here I am in panty hose, ankle length skirt, very rough wind wiping my hair into my face and I'm locked out on my birthday. My dad's car was missing from the drive way so I assumed he was out at the store or something. On the possibility that I might be wrong I rang the doorbell and when no one came to answer the logical assumption was that he was gone. Right? Hermoine was sitting in the window and I began begging her to learn very quickly how to open doors. Afterall, she can already open the sliding doors between my bedroom, my sister's room and the bathroom, why not this one? She just sat there looking at me like "You're the stupid human who locked yourself out. You figure out how to get in." There was a stiff piece of cardboard advertisement in the mail. I tried the credit card thing. It didn't work. I decided that before I started trying to make an illegal attempt to get into my house I should try using the neighbor's phone. I checked to make sure their son's truck wasn't there. He creeps me out. And then went to explain my plight. So I called my dad's cell and he tells me he's at home!!!!! So back across the yard, embarrassed beyond description I went. He said he'd left the car to be repaired and had a friend bring him home and that he didn't hear the doorbell ring twice. Now I don't know about you, but when I really don't expect anyone to be home anyway, I don't normally stand there ringing the bell, but my dad thought I should have. So I went to chime practice and then to Curves to work out and then we had pizza and watched Ghost Hunters on the Sci-Fi channel. And now Dad is at work and my mom is in Waco at a teacher convention and I'm home with Hermoine who is being unusually goofy. I think she's still laughing at me for locking myself out.


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