Star Wars Girl Unleashed

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

First Day

Well, yesterday my mother called me about 7:50 in the morning to let me know they needed a substitute immediately at her school. So I jumped out of bed to start hurriedly getting dressed. This was after all my first official subbing job. I managed to blow dry hair and brush teeth at the same time. I don't know how but I did. So I got there and was rushed to a classroom containing 13 four year olds. That's right, my first subbing assignment was with a room full of four year olds. There was a temporary person in there trying her best to keep them occupied until I got there. She and the secretary kept saying they didn't know how I would survive. Now with four year olds you can pretty well fake that you know what your doing even though you don't have a clue. Pretty soon I had the monsters somewhat under control. I felt like I didn't though, because the teacher next door with four year olds had her kids pretty quiet. I kept thinking that I was doing a horrible job. I had one kid crying constantly for no reason at all and another kid who just whined the whole time. And then one kid started saying the f word. And it was a Christian school! I had to get him to stop that as soon as possible. I could just see the principle walking in just as he was saying it. I told him he'd get his mouth washed out if he kept saying it and to never say it again. Imagine my surprise when the other teacher said I was more controlling than their normal teacher! And everyone kept saying they didn't know how I'd managed to survive. I mean really, yes four year olds can be a handful, but they're four! You're three times their size, about six times their age, and the adult! Above all you have to remember that they aren't little darlings at all. They're conniving little sneaks trying to pull the wool over your eyes with innocent faces, pouts, fake tears, hugs and I love yous. It's that simple. Don't I sound like a lovely person? But we got through the day. Although one girl at the end wanted her old teacher back and her mommy and I was mean. But I didn't let that bother me one bit. I picked her up, sat her in her chair, and told her to do her worksheet if she wanted to play with the other kids. It wasn't a difficult worksheet, all she had to do was color the rainbow and listen to the story about Noah's Ark. And then I came home and started fixing super. And now I have a lovely blister on my finger from hot grease sloshing out onto it. I hate frying things! That was yesterday. Sounds fun, doesn't it!


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