Star Wars Girl Unleashed

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


So now we are in the path of a major storm. My mom and I are busily getting everything together in the event that Rita heads directly for us. Then we're getting out. 50 miles or less. And tonight is the night my cat decides to have her kittens! Yes, so far she has one and it's black and white. We don't know if she'll have any others or how long that will take. She's still pretty big so maybe we'll have more. I have no idea how we're going to take care of them if we have to leave. I hope it heads south of us, no offense to those south but when a storm's headed your way you always hope it'll turn away from you. And there's just no way to get nine cats and kittens out of the way. They'll have to stay and deal with it. We're not overly worried. Our house has withstood Alicia and Carla with no flooding, and Alicia was a direct hit. So we're pretty confident the house will be ok. I'll keep everyone posted on if we're staying or bugging out. Gotta go now.


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