Quick Updates
So I've been subbing pretty regularly for the last few weeks. It's keeping me busy. As you can tell by the lack of posts. Got hit on by an ugly fireman (long story that doesn't need to be repeated) while subbing. (Fire prevention day) New baby is sooooo cute. And since it's only just the one it'll probably be staying. It doesn't look anything like its mother. She's cream colored and it's black and white. But very splotchy like its mother. Hermoine is loving being able to roam the entire house and play all day with Coco. I am too, because it wears her out so she'll sleep at night. I am very close to achieving a goal I've had for myself for about two years now. I will hopefully very soon own all three box sets of Kenshin. I already have season three in the mail and I think the other two are pretty much in the bag. FINALLY!!!! Yes I am just a bit excited. I'm going to have to have a Kenshin party. To soon be followed by a Star Wars party when the third Episode is out in November. So, that's what's new with me. Now I'm going to go get some sleep. I have second graders tomorrow and there are a few very challenging children in there.
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