Star Wars Girl Unleashed

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Book Review and Decision

So tomorrow is my birthday! The big 23. Gosh that makes me feel so old! I have to sub tomorrow for the history teacher I mentioned in my last post. At least I know which kids are going to be in there and how to handle them. That's the beauty of a private school. It's small so everyone knows you and they also know if they can get away with things. Which they can't with me, which they have learned. And the one problem student I had the last time I subbed for that teacher no longer goes to the school, so I am very happy to have that assignment. And the other students that don't particularly like me don't have the teacher at all so tomorrow will be rather pleasant compared to some of my subbing experiences. I'd say it's a birthday gift from God.

I have like five or six books I need to start reading and I'm having trouble deciding which one to start. I finished the Drizzt line ages ago, and I was not left with a very satisfactory ending. I mean after 17 books of wanting Drizzt and Catti-brie together it finally happens in the last five pages and then by the end they're off on separate adventures with all the other characters in dire positions. It's just not right! So I turned to the Star Wars trilogy by Troy Denning I was in the middle of, waiting for the final book, hoping to be satisfied and alas was left more unsatisfied than I was with Drizzt. I think it's easiest to say that everything was left undone and totally awry. So I'm not too happy with two of my favorite authors at the moment. I'm working my way through Kenshin manga and have finally gotten up to the point where I'm now waiting for the next volume to be published, which can't be too soon for me. I'm also waiting for the third book in the SellsSwords series by Salvatore. The second one was really good and it's hard to wait for October to come around so I can get my hands on the next one. I just finished his Crimson Shadow series. It was pretty good. He killed one of my favorite characters, but I guess you can't leave all the major players alive and have a really good story line going.

So now that I've finished that trilogy, I have to decide what to start next. Do I plow through some of Tolkien's works (other than the Lord of the Rings, since I've read those ages and ages ago) or do Salvatore's Cleric Quintet, Good Omens, or something else? I went a little bit crazy in the bookstores the last couple of months and now have a stack of books to get through. But summer is coming and that should give me plenty of time to read. That's when I got through the bulk of the Drizzt tale afterall. ~sigh~


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