Star Wars Girl Unleashed

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Day of Rest

Well, today is a day that I've decided not to do much at all. I am washing my laundry and considering tackling some dishes, but I'm not sure yet if I want to. I've finished The Silent Blade and now have gotten into The Spine of the World. And then my eyes started hurting so I had to give them a break. Which means soon I probably will be doing dishes just so they can rest. I should go upstairs and read so Hermoine can curl up with me. I call it our reading position. She loves it when I read so she can snuggle up and not be bothered for a while. Yesterday was quite stressful. I had to get the inspection sticker on my mom's car changed and I hate going to mechanics. I always feel like they think I'm an idiot because I'm a woman. On top of that I had to go to a 6 hour substitute teaching inservice type thing at 1:30 so I was nervous about that. I had to endure the interview thing there and I hate things like that. I don't care how much I do it, I don't like having to answer questions like "If you suspect a child is being abused, what would you do?" Your mind is going about a million miles a second trying to figure out what the person wants to hear, what you would actually do in such a situation and then figuring out how to make all your thoughts come out in a legible, intelligent response. AAHHH!! Fortunately the person interviewing me was my high school vice principal who adored me when I was there so he was very encouraging and seemed pleased with the answers I gave. It was weird being at my old high school preparing to teach in classrooms I was once a student in. I ran into another girl who was a couple years older than me and I was surprised she remembered me from our Theater Arts class we had together. Especially when we realized that it had been 7 years ago that we had that class! It was like a ten year reunion almost with all the people I knew. It's so weird. I don't know why. And I changed my mind and said that I would be willing to sub at the high school and middle school. I'm worried that they won't take me seriously, especially since most of them will be taller than I am. It sucks being only 5'2"! I don't know how that will turn out but as always I'll keep you all posted. I think I'll knock out some dishes now. Maybe...


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