Star Wars Girl Unleashed

Sunday, January 30, 2005

A Lesson We Need to Learn

Well Abend didn't make it. He didn't look too well this morning and when I got back from the prayer service he'd kicked the bucket sad to say. Any way, this morning I turned on the news to see how the elections in Iraq went. They had over 60% of eligible voters turn out. That's more than what turned out in the last election we had here for president and this one had a record high attendance! There's something wrong with that. Over there people are being threatened with torture and death for voting and risk everything walking, in some cases great distances, to get to the polling booths. Here we can ride in our cushy cars, and say whatever the heck we want to say, and not have anyone blow our heads off for voting in any particular way or for voting at all. I think it's sad that we in America blow off our privileges when there are so many in this world who either are threatened and harassed or not allowed to vote at all. It is a great testament to the nationalism and courage of the people of Iraq for literally taking their lives in their hands in order to better their country. We need to take a lesson from them and not take our liberty and freedom so lightly.


  • At January 30, 2005 at 9:34 PM, Blogger Rehkmira said…

    I totally agree. People who are oppressed generally get more into freedom than people who are more or less free.

    By the way... ... am I the only one who ever reads this, or do the rest of you just never respond?



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