Idiot Girl
Well, I survived the night with my cousin, no visits to the local jail. =) Well, last night was a girl's night with my sister since my parents were out of town. We went to the local HEB to get something to eat and I grabbed a couple strawberry daqurie flavored wine coolers for myself. Head to the cashier. She's one of those that looks like she's dumber than hair in a box. Actually I think the hair is probably smarter than this one was. So I hand her my id. An id I've had for five years, that no one else has questioned or had a problem with. She looked at it for the longest time, then at me, then at the card. "Is this really you?" She asked. My sister started mumbling that it was ridiculous while I tried not to loose my temper. "Yes, that's before I had bangs, but that's me." Now anyone who knows me, knows I'm not the type to use a fake id to do or get anything. Never have. And having someone imply that I would was humiliating and upsetting. So she called her manager over. He wasn't much older than her, certainly younger than I am. She explained that she just wasn't sure, because the id was older and looked different. This how dumb she was. If I had been an expert fake id maker, wouldn't I want to have an older looking license to make it look authentic and if I were ligitament, which I was, shouldn't I have an older looking driver's license? I wanted to point all these things out to her and make it clear to her and everyone there how stupid she was, but her manager did that for me. He looked at me then my license, then at her like she was crazy. "It's definitely her. What's the problem?" "No problem, I just thought it was a fake." She got another look of 'how dumb can you be' from her manager, me, my sister, and the line that was backing up behind us. It was like so if I came in with an out-of-state license would you question it because it looked different from yours? I swear, some people are so stupid. Me, the one who could legally purchase the stuff, she questioned. But if some one came in with a "more convincing fake" than my authentic license she'd probably let them have it no questions asked. Well, I got to go. My sister's freakin out about something and needs the computer.
At August 22, 2005 at 7:00 PM,
Unique and Misunderstood said…
What the heck is this that this person left for me?
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