It's an Adventure
Well, I haven't posted in a long time, because nothing terribly interesting has happened. But the last couple of days has provided me with some tid bits to write about. So now I have totally gotten my sister addicted to eBay and we went a little crazy, just a little, honest. Unfortunately people are still too interested in Kenshin for me to get the DVD sets I want for a price I can afford. On to the adventure part of the title. Last night I went to feed the cats before going to bed. I hadn't put the newly purchased 30 pound bag of cat food into the tin we use for it yet so when I opened the bag to check an make sure there were no unwanted pests having a feast, I discovered that there was one. A huge roach. Now every woman in my family is deftly afraid of those nasty, creepy little devils and the bigger the scarier. I screamed and announced to my mom and sister that we had a guest and my mom said the cats would have to wait until the morning. My sister and I determined not to make the poor things wait that long. Question was: How do you get a roach out of a 30 pound bag of cat food when you're scared to death of it? My sister's solution: hit the bag with a broom as hard as you can over and over praying that the roach is crushed. Why does it matter to her? It was me that had to stick my hand down in the bag. Time for my solution! We used the broom to tip the bag onto the floor. A few pieces of cat food splattered out along with the little creep. My sister missed him by a hair with the broom and he scampered back into the bag. She went back to beating the bag tactic. I braved having it come out after me and entered the utility room to start slowly pouring cat food onto the floor, waiting for the roach to fall out. Half a bag of cat food on the floor later he cam sliding out. I jumped onto the step stool next to me as my sister attacked the creature with the broom, both of us screaming. The creepy crawler wriggled under a box of junk next to the freezer and we were determined not to let him escape under the freezer to terrorize us again. Problem: couldn't see where he was to know if he was about to get on us. I used the step stool to climb onto the freezer. I got on my stomach, leaned down and shoved the box away from the freezer toward the door to the garage. Our enemy made a mad dash for the freezer, was cut off by sister with the broom, and made a detour for the door to the workshop. I took the broom from my sister and made an aerial attack right down onto him. He never saw it coming. He was still a little alive so I swept him out of the door jamb and handed the weapon of choice back to my sister for her famous broom smash technique that renders a roach into several pieces. Then we had to get all of the cat food swept up and put into the tins so such an event would not happen again.
At June 22, 2005 at 8:02 PM,
Rehkmira said…
When I find live ones, I take a shoe and mash them a few times into the ground. It'd be over much quicker with the shoe; though I admit, your method is more exciting. Have fun with future bags!
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