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I know, I know, it's been a while. I've been way too busy to just sit and write something. Well, last week I had a long term assignment at my mom's school with a high school class. The teacher requested me since I have a history degree so I really couldn't say no. But the good thing, or I guess it's a good thing, is that the experience has restored some of my faith in myself and teaching. It certainly was a beneficial experience that will help sever me in deciding what I want my course to be right now. Actually I think my change of mind started when I subbed at my old elementary school. It just felt good to be there and having the support of people who had known me since I was six. It's weird to be teaching next to someone you had when you went there. I ran into one of the teachers, who had been next door to me and also had been there when I was there, at the vet a week later and she told me I had done an excellent job and that I needed to come back as often as possible. It's so nice to have compliments like that just when you're starting to doubt everything you've done or are planning to do. I've also spent a lot of time taking my grandmother to the hospital for operations. Mostly minor things. But two days ago she had to have skin cancer removed from her nose. I am so glad my aunt went with her, cause they did it right there with her in the room! I would have passed out!! But tomorrow I have to get her there bright and early at 5:30 in the morning! I'm not happy about that. But after all the stuff she's done for me in my life, I'm certainly not going to leave her to take her self there. So I'm going to end this now and go to bed. Now that Christmas is nearly here and school will be out soon, I may have time to get on here more often. Maybe.