Star Wars Girl Unleashed

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Keep All Sharp, Pointy Objects AWAY!

So I've decided that razors, broken glass and other sharp objects do not like me. I think they search me out to hurt me on purpose. My latest injury to add to my collection is broken glass from a wine glass on the floor. The intelligent thing for a person to do when they break a glass is to do a methodical sweep of the floor to remove any microscopic pieces. My father did not do this however. And I found the shard just waiting for my foot. Actually it either was several tiny pieces or one big one that became tiny pieces as it entered my foot. After having my mom dig at the pieces for several minutes during which I was cringing, screaming, and crying, yes crying there is still a piece stuck in my foot and I've resigned myself to just let it stay there. Again there's the whole they'll have to put me under to get it out thing. I bled something terrible. There was a trail all the way to my bathroom upstairs, across carpet. Yeah, I had to break out the peroxide to clean it up. It was just lovely. I'm being very bold on Friday. I'm attempting substituting at the public high school. It's for an assistant band director so it isn't going to be too difficult. I mean there's only three or four band classes total and I know she doesn't have the top band so it really isn't going to be too awful. And even though I was in band there, I know they aren't going to expect me to actually conduct or anything like that. I'll probably have to show a movie or something, or even better, one of the other directors will do all the conducting and I won't really have to do a thing. Honestly, if the school district was smart they wouldn't waste money for a sub position like that. I could be used elsewhere. Oh well! Their loss, my gain.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Wicked Rocks and Future Bright (For Now)

Ok, so Wicked was absolutely wonderful!! I totally recommend it. It makes you look at The Wizard of Oz very differently. I'm no on to his book Mirror, Mirror that is supposed to put a different spin on Snow White. If I finish that before I get Son of a Witch (the sequel to Wicked) then I just got Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister to plow through. You guessed it, it's the dark underside of Cinderella! And very soon the next chapter in the Kenshin manga will be out, but that only takes me about an hour and a half to two hours. Comic books just don't take that long to read. I've also gotten into historical fiction about Mary Tudor and Elizabeth, that time period. Last week I had third grade every day except for Thursday which was kindergarten. Kindergarten was better behaved and easier to deal with. That's sad isn't it? Friday I had the one class in the whole school that hates when I'm their sub. Needless to say, they were better behaved this time around than the last time we crossed paths. But they were still no angels. I've applied for a job with the state historical committee. Now the wait for an interview begins. If I get the job, I'll have to move to Austin, which I wouldn't mind at all. Most of my friends live in that area any way and I loved being there in school. So that's what's new with me right now.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

It's a Little Bit Dull 'Round Here

So it's Spring Break and I'm just really depressed. I don't know why. I hate those kinds of days where nothing just really seems right and you feel crappy and there's really no clear way to make it better. It really sucks. Maybe it's the weather. It's threatening to rain any minute, but it isn't. It's just muggy and icky and just puts you in a bad mood. I need to find a place for the mountain, and I do mean mountain, of books I bought this weekend. I bought Wicked by Gregory Maguire and I just love it. (I went and got another of his books, Mirror, Mirror, for when I finish.) It's the Wizard of Oz from the witch's point of view and how she got to be how she is and all. I totally recommend it. So I'll probably curl up with my book for most of the afternoon. Or start working on my own novel that is actually coming along pretty well. I'm impressed with the way my writing is maturing. Or there is always the quilt that I'm making for my sister that could keep me occupied on a day like this. I suppose I'll find something to do.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

My Myspace Page

Birthday Joys and Woe

So this birthday went much smoother than last year's. Work went very well today I'm happy to say. Almost too well. Maybe they're planning to kill me the next time I sub and they were trying to throw me off my guard. But several of the high school girls said they loved my outfit today and since I didn't let them do anything special and they knew I wasn't going to let them I'm inclined to believe they really meant it. I had a newly purchased skirt (this weekend) on that I just love and it was on sale so it's really a great thing. I also received a coupon for being a member of Border's Rewards to Waldenbooks that is 15% of any item. Guess where I will be tomorrow. My only low point, and this really is low, would have to be this. I get home, feeling very spunky and ready to conquer the world, went out to get the mail and then tried to go back inside. To my horror I found that I had locked myself out of the house! Here I am in panty hose, ankle length skirt, very rough wind wiping my hair into my face and I'm locked out on my birthday. My dad's car was missing from the drive way so I assumed he was out at the store or something. On the possibility that I might be wrong I rang the doorbell and when no one came to answer the logical assumption was that he was gone. Right? Hermoine was sitting in the window and I began begging her to learn very quickly how to open doors. Afterall, she can already open the sliding doors between my bedroom, my sister's room and the bathroom, why not this one? She just sat there looking at me like "You're the stupid human who locked yourself out. You figure out how to get in." There was a stiff piece of cardboard advertisement in the mail. I tried the credit card thing. It didn't work. I decided that before I started trying to make an illegal attempt to get into my house I should try using the neighbor's phone. I checked to make sure their son's truck wasn't there. He creeps me out. And then went to explain my plight. So I called my dad's cell and he tells me he's at home!!!!! So back across the yard, embarrassed beyond description I went. He said he'd left the car to be repaired and had a friend bring him home and that he didn't hear the doorbell ring twice. Now I don't know about you, but when I really don't expect anyone to be home anyway, I don't normally stand there ringing the bell, but my dad thought I should have. So I went to chime practice and then to Curves to work out and then we had pizza and watched Ghost Hunters on the Sci-Fi channel. And now Dad is at work and my mom is in Waco at a teacher convention and I'm home with Hermoine who is being unusually goofy. I think she's still laughing at me for locking myself out.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Book Review and Decision

So tomorrow is my birthday! The big 23. Gosh that makes me feel so old! I have to sub tomorrow for the history teacher I mentioned in my last post. At least I know which kids are going to be in there and how to handle them. That's the beauty of a private school. It's small so everyone knows you and they also know if they can get away with things. Which they can't with me, which they have learned. And the one problem student I had the last time I subbed for that teacher no longer goes to the school, so I am very happy to have that assignment. And the other students that don't particularly like me don't have the teacher at all so tomorrow will be rather pleasant compared to some of my subbing experiences. I'd say it's a birthday gift from God.

I have like five or six books I need to start reading and I'm having trouble deciding which one to start. I finished the Drizzt line ages ago, and I was not left with a very satisfactory ending. I mean after 17 books of wanting Drizzt and Catti-brie together it finally happens in the last five pages and then by the end they're off on separate adventures with all the other characters in dire positions. It's just not right! So I turned to the Star Wars trilogy by Troy Denning I was in the middle of, waiting for the final book, hoping to be satisfied and alas was left more unsatisfied than I was with Drizzt. I think it's easiest to say that everything was left undone and totally awry. So I'm not too happy with two of my favorite authors at the moment. I'm working my way through Kenshin manga and have finally gotten up to the point where I'm now waiting for the next volume to be published, which can't be too soon for me. I'm also waiting for the third book in the SellsSwords series by Salvatore. The second one was really good and it's hard to wait for October to come around so I can get my hands on the next one. I just finished his Crimson Shadow series. It was pretty good. He killed one of my favorite characters, but I guess you can't leave all the major players alive and have a really good story line going.

So now that I've finished that trilogy, I have to decide what to start next. Do I plow through some of Tolkien's works (other than the Lord of the Rings, since I've read those ages and ages ago) or do Salvatore's Cleric Quintet, Good Omens, or something else? I went a little bit crazy in the bookstores the last couple of months and now have a stack of books to get through. But summer is coming and that should give me plenty of time to read. That's when I got through the bulk of the Drizzt tale afterall. ~sigh~