Star Wars Girl Unleashed

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Hello everyone. Wow, I'm really being diligent with this again! Well, Mirror, Mirror wasn't as good as Wicked. It was ok though. I'm now reading Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife. As you may guess it's a sequel to Pride and Prejudice. I know Mira and Pandora are probably groaning at this point since they don't much like Jane Austen. =) But I can't help it. I mean, yes, every book has female characters chasing after male character in the hopes of marrying well. Every book has the main characters getting into their own little messes through misinformation or indiscretion, a male character who is a bit of a cad, a female character who is not as proper as a young lady in that time period should be, a very wealthy and very proper gentleman that one woman or another is after, and they all end with everything perfectly right with the world and a wedding. And that is every Jane Austen book I've read. I'm a romantic though and it's just fun to see them all get through it. The sequel is, well,..... so not Jane Austen, (as the woman would die of mortification at what she read) but so good!!!!! If you love Pride and Prejudice you'll do well to read it.

Well, I had 7th, 8th, and high school history yesterday. It went ok. Today I had Kindergarten. The younger kids behaved better by light years. That's sad, isn't it? I have an Easter craft fair at my church this Saturday and I'm doing a messy craft that will have me dealing with my other arch nemesis that is equally dangerous to my person as sharp objects: heat. It's crayon shavings that the kids put on wax paper and then we get to melt them with an iron and glue a cross shape onto it to make a sun catcher. It's really pretty when finished, just dangerous. I've really gotten into cooking and, well, grease and I don't mix it seams. I've had so many grease burns of late it's ridiculous. The worst was on my ring finger. It has now scared. The most recent was grease from hamburger for spaghetti (my specialty thus far) popping up and hitting my glasses. Thank the Lord for eye glasses or it would have been my eye. So yeah I'm gonna have to be careful Saturday. Good thing: my parents will be gone this weekend for turkey season. Girls' Night with my sister! I bought Narnia Tuesday and she hasn't seen it so that's what we're going to watch for sure. Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

I Survived!

Yes, I am alive and well after getting the nerve up to sub at the high school. After finally figuring out where I was supposed to sign in I headed for the band hall. I felt on top of the world actually. I thought I'd be terrified and have a stomach full of knots at the thought of being back in my old high school and facing a bunch of high school brats. But it was kind of like "Ha! Now I am the teacher suffer my wrath!" Even though I knew that I probably would not be doing much of anything all day long. So I got to the band all and the head band director asked if I had any music experience. I let him know I'd gone through the band program there and had played in college. He seemed thrilled and then I thought I'd really goofed telling him that. I quickly added that I'd had no experience what so ever actually directing a band. So for three class periods I read Mirror, Mirror and listened to the band, which was better than I was dreading it would be. Then the director tells me that the director I'm there for usually goes over to the intermediate school to work with the beginning band students in fifth and sixth grade. I'm thinking, "Oh great, that'll be fun." So I got to spend the rest of the day with children who could not play their instruments, helping the percussion kids count when they were their and towering over the misbehaved kids to intimidate them, while the band director's wife, who was also subbing, conducted the 'band'. Oh yeah, the best part... the intermediate school starts later than all the other schools so gets out an hour later so I was working an hour longer than I was supposed to and you don't get paid any extra for that. Lunch was an hour later than I was used to and this was a day I'd chosen to skip breakfast. But I did get through a good portion of my book.