Star Wars Girl Unleashed

Friday, February 04, 2005

Hollywood Cesspool

I'm watching Columbo right now and I just have to say, I love that guy! He's so clever. I mean I know fully well that he has writers writing everything for him but it's just great. He acts like a bumbling, disorganized, fool to lure the criminal into a false sense of security and then strikes with some kind of a brilliant piece of evidence or dropping a stray hint at his plans to get the murderer to make a mistake. And if there's a celebrity in it, that's the criminal. It's so hard watching Robert Conrad (James West) as a bad guy. And while I'm on that can I just say that we have now reached the bottom of the cesspool in Hollywood. Expect a year of remakes and sequels. Fun, fun! Remakes of classic TV shows: Bewitched, I Dream of Jeanie, and The Honey Mooners, judging by the previews Jackie Gleason must be turning over in his grave. Movies: where to begin? War of the Worlds, the first time it's been remade says Hollywood, but I must protest. Are we forgetting a little thing called Independence Day? It's exactly the same. The only change: the aliens are killed with a man-made computer virus instead of a virus created by God that humans were immune to. If Spielberg keeps God in it I'd like to hug him. Boy will that throw leftist Hollywood. Sequels: Miss Congeniality, Mulan, Pirates of the Caribbean and who knows what else will come in the future. Why all of this remaking? Because Hollywood has run out of ideas and so has to remake movies that past brilliance has created, often times ruining the movie, and carrying movies made that do well into sequels, that also usually ruin the good thing they had. So Hollywood will have to wait for a bestselling book to come up that will make a good movie. Also after seeing Sergeant York last night, I have to say actors and actresses who do not have a southern accent should not attempt it. There's my soapbox on Hollywood. How I got here from a simple desire to praise the brilliance of Colombo, I'll never know.


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