Star Wars Girl Unleashed

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

It's my Birthday: Why is it so Bad?

Ok, today is, as the title says, my birthday. It's said that the birthdays after 21 become less eventful. I would have to agree. The big 22 has nothing significant that goes along with it. Before 21 you're so anxious and desperate to be older, to hit that magic number. After, you dread every birthday. You're getting old then. I went to my economics class this morning only to find that it was canceled. While it was a good thing that I didn't have to sit through a boring class and that I would have more time to write a rather lengthy lab report for Botany, I had gotten up much earlier than what was necessary. I received phone calls from my parents and grandmother to wish me a happy birthday and my sister sent me a cute e-card for my birthday. But that is where the pleasantness ends. At least for now. So I went to my Botany class. We had a complicated lab to do with chemicals that could take our skin off and kill a few brain cells if the fumes were inhaled. So we had to work under a chemical hood, which didn't afford us much room to work, and I had the idiot who'd asked me if I was really bleeding next to me. He likes to flirt and clown around with all the girls in class in the typical fresh out of high school college freshman guy way that's annoying as hell. For some reason he's really taken a liking to annoying me. His friend, the blood sucking guy, and the guy responsible for my injured finger like to join in. I haven't quite figured out the guy who caused my accident. He's weird. Anyway, I brought some bananas to class straight from the wharves where my dad works as a police officer to see if some theories we had about ethylene gas were correct. So blood sucker dude asks me if my dad went and picked them off a tree. I laughed. I couldn't help it. It was only one of the dumbest questions I'd heard in a long time. "No, they come in boxes from the banana plantations." I informed him. J and I got a good laugh out of it. Then, while smushed up against the ring leader under the chemical hood dripping this green stuff on a piece of paper I let it slip to one of the girls that it was my birthday today. So I had him and accident guy gushing about it. Several 'happy birthdays', questions about how old I am, and what I planned to do for my birthday and Spring Break this next week followed. It gets annoying after a while, especially when ring leader is at least a foot taller than you and has no concept of personal space or that you're slightly claustrophobic. I got even by making him feel stupid, which wasn't hard. He was performing the experiment all wrong, since he'd not paid attention to what the professor had said and I let him know. The other girls there did the rest by making fun of him for being an idiot. And then after that, super wasn't the greatest at t-hall. And I've got to study for a physical science test tomorrow. ~sigh, sigh~ So now I'm trying to decide what I want to do with my evening. I'm still not sure yet.


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