Star Wars Girl Unleashed

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Today in Botany was, well interesting I suppose, maybe just aggravating. It was one of those rare days that we were doing a lab and didn't have to write it up. I started looking at slides first and then went to look at leaves and classify them. While doing this I had the two trouble makers of the class sitting on either side of me. These are also two of the geniuses who wanted me to suck my blood when I cut my fingers and wanted to know if it was bleeding. Can you see where this is going? When I sat down in the one empty chair the one with the blood sucking advise said, "Uh, this seat is empty for a reason." I knew he was joking and gave him a half-hearted grin. "I'm just playing!" He then exclaimed laughing. I assured him I knew he was. Then he wanted to know what my name was. I cut him some slack since he wasn't in the class the first day when we introduced ourselves to the class and told him. Then the guy on my right who couldn't figure out that the red stuff on the paper towel was my blood said "Really I would have thought your name was Jill or Diana". I could blame him for not knowing. He was there the first day and even asked where my home town was located because he'd never heard of it. Then he went on about what a devout looking, good little Christian girl I was. And then the other started in on how I probably just tried to look like I was an innocent little angel. I let a slightly devious grin show and said "yeah, I'm not." They didn't take me seriously. Then I kept getting bombarded with the stupidest, most annoying question that I always get asked. "Why are you so quiet? You're just too quiet. Why don't you talk?" I just smiled in that way that says "Why are you so annoying? Why can't you shut up? Why don't you leave me alone? Do you know what I'd like to do to you right now? It isn't pretty, buddy." I guess they didn't understand what the smile meant. I wanted to tell them that I learned a long time ago that when you shut up and did your work you finished a lot sooner. But why do people just automatically assume that a quiet person is an angelic perfection? And why is there always a couple of guys that are amazed by the fact that not only are you quiet, you aren't charmed by their idiotic behavior and therefore feel they have to annoy the hell out of you? I'm still trying to figure out why they have C's on their tests and I have D's. If only it were history. I'd woop their butts and put them in their place so hard it'd hurt. Oh well. That's my venting session for today.


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