A Series of Unfortunate Events
Well, last night I went to take a shower. I got in and stepped on something. My instant instinct was to pull my foot up immediately. I didn't have my classes on, so I couldn't accurately figure out what it was. All I could tell was that it was oval shaped and black. I decided that it was a twisted up hair band from one of the other girls in the dorm and tried hard not to believe that it was a roach. As I have not seen one in the bathroom all year, I think there's a good chance it wasn't, but still...there's that lingering doubt that made me scrub the bottom of my foot really hard. Also, I bought a video off of eBay several weeks ago. I also bought the beautiful lamp that I've mentioned before. It arrived last week, but I am still without my video. If it doesn't arrive soon the seller is going to get a rather nasty feedback from me. It won't be pretty. Sure it's only five dollars, but theft is theft and he'll really hear about it if something doesn't happen soon. I've emailed him about it so I'll see what kind of an excuse I get. If I'm not satisfied that guy better look out. I failed my first botany test with a 64 and I'm worried my first lab wasn't the best either. No doubt I'll get it back today. I couldn't sleep well last night, which I blame mostly on the three hour nap I took about 4 in the afternoon yesterday to get rid of a headache. So this morning I am sleepy and my entire body aches. That's my lousy week of events. Nothing terribly exciting.
At February 12, 2005 at 4:56 PM,
Rehkmira said…
I'm sorry you're having a rough week. If it makes you feel any better, I didn't do so well in Botany either. You got to hear all about it. Better luck!
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