Just the Day's Events
Wasn't today just beautiful?! Not a cloud in the sky. And such a beautiful blue. ~sigh~ Wish it'd been like that this morning when I was driving back to school. Last night I had such a sick headache that I couldn't see straight. I decided that it would not be wise to try driving for 3 1/2 hours with a blinding headache. So I planned on getting up early this morning to drive to school. I set the stupid alarm clock for 6 pm instead of am so I got a later start than I'd planned. On top of that, I had hard rain for about 3 hours of the drive. Yes, so much fun. But on a happy note, I made it for the dreaded Botany class and found that I'd gotten an 83 on my lab. Good news for me! Hopefully my labs will keep me from failing that class. Well, better go and work on my next lab report before jazz band. Goody. Good note: my birthday is tomorrow! Yea!
At March 8, 2005 at 12:30 PM,
ello grandson said…
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