Thursday Evening Adventure
So last Thursday my sister came and stayed with me. That evening we went out to eat with a couple of friends. I let my sister drive back to the dorm since I'd had a margaritia. She accidentally cut a person off on the way back. We fully expected them to honk at us, maybe even flip us off, at the worst hang out the window and cuss us out. But nooooo. They pulled in front of us and the next thing I knew this paper cup comes flying back, hit the windshield and this red crap and ice goes everywhere. So we were temporarily blinded. My sister freaked out, and I slammed my hand onto the horn to get their attention and then flicked on the windshield wipers. I either scared them with my gesturing and mouth or they wanted us to follow them down the side street. Seeing as they swerved from one lane to another before swerving off onto the side street I'd like to think I scared the hell out of them. If they had stayed where they were at the red light... they would have had a word or two from me, their license plate number taken down. I still want to find the bastards to repay me for the car wash I had to get since there was red stuff all over the front of my car. That was an adventure in and of itself. We went to an automatic car wash at shell, the kind where you go on a track that takes you through. Never done that before. I made the mistake of commenting that it was like being eaten alive by a jelly fish or octopus. Well, after that was said my sister and I both started screaming and freaking out. It was just too eerie and weird. So then we went back to my room and the rest of the night was very pleasant. Although the next day I had to listen to middle school kids squawking on their horns for a scholarship to the school. Oh the noise. I shouldn't say that. There were actually several good players. Well, I've got to go get something to eat, so I'll leave this for now.
At April 20, 2005 at 7:36 PM,
Rehkmira said…
You might want to be careful with that. Some people are freaks, with guns and knives in the car, for one. Also, wouldn't you feel terrible if all that swerving had ended with a crash? Perhaps a fatal crash?
God, I sound like my mother, and probably yours.
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