The Force is With You, Always
At 2:57 today I walked through the heavy heat, across campus, toward the Beto Science Building with the Imperial March running through my head. I was headed for my Botany final. My stomach was in knots as I tried to recall the thousands of facts from the five tests the prof. Had told us to study. I'd eaten half a bag of Star Wars m&ms, because my mom always told me chocolate improves the memory, while studying for much of the day with the Return of the Jedi sound track playing in the background, also because my mom has always said classical music helps the memory when studying. I felt the same way four years ago the day before high school graduation as I went to take my AP Economics test with my infamously challenging Aunt Tina. My graduating totally depended on passing her class and hers was the only final exam I had to take. I managed to pass the test glowingly after two weeks of laborious study. I had spent a grand total of maybe five hours on the Botany final. Last night we had a study group at our professor's house and I spent as mush of this morning studying as I possibly could stand. I sat down and began my final. I'd say about 93% of it was straight, verbatim from our old tests. I am willing to say that chocolate, classical music, and tons of fervent prayers does indeed help your memory. I could remember the answers, even to the ones I got wrong and had to correct. It was amazing! I was the first one finished. Normally that would concern me, but today it was of little concern. I'd answered everything to the best of my ability and there was no sense in trying to second guess myself. I am in no way expecting it to be a great grade, but I am hoping for enough to get me a passing grade in Botany. When I got back to my room, less than an hour later, I called my mom to let her know how it went. She said that she'd been praying for me with her own copy of the Star Wars sound track going. Talk about an ironic, psychic type bond between mother and child!! It gives me goosebumps. And when I hung up with her I started crying as it really dawned on me that I was about to graduate and leave a place I have called home for four years. You spend so long saying you can't wait to be finished with school, and then it's on you and you realize that a significant part of your life is about to end. So graduation will be both a joyous time but also sad as I leave school, friends and mentors behind and begin another of my life.
At May 10, 2005 at 8:18 PM,
Rehkmira said…
Congratulations! I knew you could hack Botany. I hope the rest of your week goes well. I'm so proud of you!
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