Star Wars Girl Unleashed

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Weekend

So this weekend was, well, unusual. On Friday I had my last concert that I would ever be in for the rest of my life. My parents, sister and grandmother came. Well, traffic was particularly heavy in town so most of our band members were a little late getting to the school. And when I say a little late, I mean the last person to arrive was ten minutes late. But before everyone got there the director decided to leave the auditorium. He was gone for thirty minutes pouting over it like a two year old. We started practicing without him. When he finally decided to stop being a baby he came back and decided to be a jackass and tell us that he'd never been so angry with us and that we were all irresponsible for being more than twenty minutes late. Then like a typical two year old he had us start the songs at speeds faster than he intended to go. Didn't hit any of the problem areas or anything else. He continued to pout until we performed and then attempted to be fun and jovial, trying to make jokes about each song that were so lame it was ridiculous. We couldn't believe that he'd been such an idiot to yell at us, most of whom are totally volunteering our time and the battering totally killed the fun spirit circling around the group before hand. Well the concert went ok, considering we had a new drummer who had only played with us four times and had never even played with our base player and in one song we had three different beats going. Yeah that was a great feeling when I had a solo thing to do with three beats to pick from. Oh the fun! After the concert I went with my family to our deer lease for turkey hunting. Which was enjoyable. But when we got back, I went to let my dad into the guy's side of the dorm so he could use the bathroom facilities, and when I came back to my room I found my grandmother going through my dresser drawers. You can't imagine the incredible amount of restraint it took not to scream at her. Oh I was so mad I couldn't believe she would go through my stuff. And Monday wasn't to great either. That night I was craving a backed potato, so I went to the store to get the stuff to make one hoping it would make me feel better. So I sat down to eat it and found that I'd bought jalapeno cheese. That unpleasant discovery pushed me over the edge into tears as I played the "I'm so stupid I can't even read a label on a package of stupid cheese" game of self loathing. But yesterday and today was much better I'm happy to say.


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