After Rita
Well, after eight hours of traffic and with only half a tank of gas and a momma kitty with serious diarrhea problems we decided we'd rather ride the storm out at home than at a shelter with hundreds of strangers worrying about our house and animals. So we came home. We had a great time! It wasn't all that bad. Really. Coco only has one baby. She never had any others so I guess it was just a one baby litter. I made chocolate cake. Empire of Dreams was on A&E (it's a Star Wars documentary) so we watched that and took it as a sign that we were supposed to stay. That put us in the mood for Star Wars. So we watched episode 4. Then we turned it to Most Haunted. My sister called and said she was watching it at school and thinking about us. My dad and I love watching that and making fun of the one guy Stewart that's a major chicken. Anyway, I diverse. We checked the news to see that Rita was still headed away from us and then the power went out. We decided that meant it was time to go to sleep. Yeah, just as the worst of the storm was coming, we went to sleep. I was really calm through the whole thing. It just felt that everything was going to be fine. I was with my parents who've been through Carla and Alicia and are experienced at surviving without modern conveniences. I slept on their bedroom floor on some blankets. There was only once that it sounded really scary. The floor vibrated a little. My parents were asleep and I was lying there thinking, hmmm that might not be good. Then I fell asleep. =) Woke up when my sister called at four in the morning to see how we were after the worst had past. We told her we were fine and then went back to sleep. You have to realize that in 72 hours all three of us averaged about 10 hours of sleep. And 5 of that was on Wednesday night, or I guess I should say Thursday morning since it was from 3-8 am that my mom and I slept while my dad had to go to work. Yeah, that kept us from leaving on Wednesday. His boss needs to be shot. My dad has to go in tonight, even though they have more than enough people there, because they'll dock his pay. They even told him he didn't have to come in. Grrrrrrrrrr. That's the port police chief for you. Idiot. All of them think so. Moving on. Mom and I will have a girl's night I guess. Oreos and milk!!! Yes we will have lots of fun. No major damage to report. Just some branches that need to be cleared from the yard. The power came back on about 1 pm today. Just as the nice breeze keeping us cool was starting to dye down. Isn't God's timing great?! I've recovered some of my lost sleep and am rather perky. Alright, I'm downright hyper! Now to have a major sugar overload. Bye for now!