Star Wars Girl Unleashed

Thursday, May 19, 2005


So I have now seen it. The saga is complete. And it was AMAZINGLY, WONDERFUL, SPECTACULAR and I can keep going on like this. George Lucas pulled it off. I was a little worried at the very beginning, but it worked. The only problem; the theater we went to was pretty crappy so guess what happened. The sound was out for the first five seconds of the movie. Just long enough for us to miss the big Star Wars fanfare that comes on at the beginning. There was almost an attack of the Star Wars fans on the theater people. And there was an idiot behind us that thought romance and even talking didn't belong in Star Wars just killing and explosions. We had to hear 'this is boring' every time someone started talking. But despite the idiots in the audience the movie was awesome! It had laughter and tears and plenty of great lightsaber action. Well, I better go. I've got tons of things to do. So bye now!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

An Ecstatic, Half-Crazed Star Wars Fan Waits

So, now as I write it is exactly 6 HOURS and 51 MINUTES to the STAR WARS PREMIER and I am totally dressed and ready for it with my newly acquired C3PO necklace, homemade Luke Skywalker bracelet (made by pulling the bristles out of a toothbrush and sticking the remaining handle part into boiling water to make it pliable, all thanks to HGTV), one of my many Star Wars t-shirts, and my Jedi academy pin my sister got me from MGM studios in Florida, but no Princess Leia buns. My hair just doesn't do that very well, I did try it though. Anyway, I'm ready and waiting. My mom, sister, sister's boyfriend and my cousin are all going to go with me. A little Episode II to get us back to a galaxy far far away, a little TV special about where the ideas for animals in Star Wars come from on Animal Planet and then off we go. I'll write sometime tomorrow when I recover from the lack of sleep. Bye for now. May the Force be With You all!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Monday, May 09, 2005

The Force is With You, Always

At 2:57 today I walked through the heavy heat, across campus, toward the Beto Science Building with the Imperial March running through my head. I was headed for my Botany final. My stomach was in knots as I tried to recall the thousands of facts from the five tests the prof. Had told us to study. I'd eaten half a bag of Star Wars m&ms, because my mom always told me chocolate improves the memory, while studying for much of the day with the Return of the Jedi sound track playing in the background, also because my mom has always said classical music helps the memory when studying. I felt the same way four years ago the day before high school graduation as I went to take my AP Economics test with my infamously challenging Aunt Tina. My graduating totally depended on passing her class and hers was the only final exam I had to take. I managed to pass the test glowingly after two weeks of laborious study. I had spent a grand total of maybe five hours on the Botany final. Last night we had a study group at our professor's house and I spent as mush of this morning studying as I possibly could stand. I sat down and began my final. I'd say about 93% of it was straight, verbatim from our old tests. I am willing to say that chocolate, classical music, and tons of fervent prayers does indeed help your memory. I could remember the answers, even to the ones I got wrong and had to correct. It was amazing! I was the first one finished. Normally that would concern me, but today it was of little concern. I'd answered everything to the best of my ability and there was no sense in trying to second guess myself. I am in no way expecting it to be a great grade, but I am hoping for enough to get me a passing grade in Botany. When I got back to my room, less than an hour later, I called my mom to let her know how it went. She said that she'd been praying for me with her own copy of the Star Wars sound track going. Talk about an ironic, psychic type bond between mother and child!! It gives me goosebumps. And when I hung up with her I started crying as it really dawned on me that I was about to graduate and leave a place I have called home for four years. You spend so long saying you can't wait to be finished with school, and then it's on you and you realize that a significant part of your life is about to end. So graduation will be both a joyous time but also sad as I leave school, friends and mentors behind and begin another of my life.

Friday, May 06, 2005


So as of 4:00 pm today I finished and turned in everything that I had to turn in in order to graduate with the exception of next weeks finals. I am currently running on 4 hours of sleep. About 2 in the morning I had two papers half way finished, no studying done for my Botany test today, and nothing written on an abstract of an article for Botany. I tried going to sleep but found my mind racing too much with all the stuff I had to do. So I got up and continued working for two and half hours more. Then when words started running together and not making any sense I decided it was time to go to bed. And then it still took me forever to go to sleep. I got up at 8 and started working again. I don't know how I did it, but I did. I turned in everything and managed to study for Botany. I'm expecting a low C but that's pretty good considering I spent like thirty minutes just reading through my class notes. If I don't have a billion ulcers by the time graduation come along it will be a miracle. But I'm already in my pajamas with food cooking, TV on and nothing to do but enjoy the bliss of having everything finished for now. I'm now going to go do absolutely nothing.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Wednesday Night Shock

So I was watching TV tonight and saw something truly horrible on the news. There is apparently people considering having their dogs' vocal cords cut so that the dogs won't bark! I mean yes it can be annoying when the dog barks, but that's how they express themselves. That's part of what a dog is. Come on people! All I have to say to anyone considering cutting off their dog's voices is: How would you like to not be able to talk or tell someone to back off or that you want something?! I think that's just one of the worst things I've ever heard of except for maybe people in Wisconsin wanting to legalize hunting cats so long as they aren't inside a house. What's wrong with everybody? Why are we attacking our poor pets? Leave them alone for crying out loud! But one happy thing: STAR WARS is only 15 DAYS away! No I'm not excited one bit. And Graduation only 10 days away. I think its George Lucas' graduation gift to me having the premiere five days after I'm finished with college. I know he didn't really plan it that way, but in my head he did. Oh well, enough procrastinating. Time to get some stuff done before I go to bed.

The Weekend

So this weekend was, well, unusual. On Friday I had my last concert that I would ever be in for the rest of my life. My parents, sister and grandmother came. Well, traffic was particularly heavy in town so most of our band members were a little late getting to the school. And when I say a little late, I mean the last person to arrive was ten minutes late. But before everyone got there the director decided to leave the auditorium. He was gone for thirty minutes pouting over it like a two year old. We started practicing without him. When he finally decided to stop being a baby he came back and decided to be a jackass and tell us that he'd never been so angry with us and that we were all irresponsible for being more than twenty minutes late. Then like a typical two year old he had us start the songs at speeds faster than he intended to go. Didn't hit any of the problem areas or anything else. He continued to pout until we performed and then attempted to be fun and jovial, trying to make jokes about each song that were so lame it was ridiculous. We couldn't believe that he'd been such an idiot to yell at us, most of whom are totally volunteering our time and the battering totally killed the fun spirit circling around the group before hand. Well the concert went ok, considering we had a new drummer who had only played with us four times and had never even played with our base player and in one song we had three different beats going. Yeah that was a great feeling when I had a solo thing to do with three beats to pick from. Oh the fun! After the concert I went with my family to our deer lease for turkey hunting. Which was enjoyable. But when we got back, I went to let my dad into the guy's side of the dorm so he could use the bathroom facilities, and when I came back to my room I found my grandmother going through my dresser drawers. You can't imagine the incredible amount of restraint it took not to scream at her. Oh I was so mad I couldn't believe she would go through my stuff. And Monday wasn't to great either. That night I was craving a backed potato, so I went to the store to get the stuff to make one hoping it would make me feel better. So I sat down to eat it and found that I'd bought jalapeno cheese. That unpleasant discovery pushed me over the edge into tears as I played the "I'm so stupid I can't even read a label on a package of stupid cheese" game of self loathing. But yesterday and today was much better I'm happy to say.